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Grievance Defense
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When bad things happen to good lawyers…
On average, over one thousand grievance complaints are filed each year against Connecticut lawyers. While the majority of grievance complaints are ultimately dismissed, the accused lawyer must always take the grievance defense process seriously. If you find yourself the target of a grievance complaint, you must now mount a defense because your law license, your livelihood, and your reputation as a lawyer are now at stake. Should you represent yourself? Or should you hire a lawyer’s lawyer – someone with the experience, knowledge, and skills to guide and defend you through the Connecticut Grievance process. Our recommendation, for a variety of reasons, is that you hire counsel. Please see our FAQ’s for details as to why.
Attorney Ron Murphy has been defending lawyers accused of professional misconduct for over 25 years. His former clients include some of the most prominent members of the Bar (as no one is above being accused of violating the Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct; or of violating some section of Chapter Two of the Connecticut Practice Book).
In addition to this hands on experience in grievance defense, Ron is also is an active member of the CBA’s Professional Discipline Committee and the CBA’s Committee on Professional Ethics; and was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Law, where he taught Professional Responsibility and Legal Ethics.
When defending lawyers accused of misconduct, Ron draws not only on his extensive knowledge of the Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct and the Grievance Process, but also on his extensive experience as a criminal and civil trial lawyer (he is a former President of the Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and a Board Certified Civil Trial Advocate); and as the owner and manager of his own law firm, with its team of associates and staff.
If you have been accused of professional misconduct, contact us online or call for a free and confidential consultation. Our toll-free number is 860-678-1900 You can also see our FAQ to learn more about grievance process and our qualifications to defend you.
To learn more about Connecticut Grievance Defense claims and our ability and qualifications to help you, click on “Learn More.”